My experience as a FPI selector


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Lenswonder said, 1728278623

philsphotos it can be boring because you know the typical aesthetic but it's also nice to find the deserving gems who don't get attention or are deserving of it.

The tv show comparison is good especially in relation to the editing expected of you for an FPI. You can do the oldstyle subjects but it must have modern editing.

Also you put how much time you choose to put, it's entirely upto you.

Lenswonder said, 1728278865

Shandaz no I'm not

Starglider Photography said, 1728279783

Tell us the process that happens once an image has been been placed in the FPI pool, prior to it being given one.

Edited by Starglider Photography

StormBringer said, 1728281908

Lenswonder said

philsphotos it can be boring because you know the typical aesthetic but it's also nice to find the deserving gems who don't get attention or are deserving of it.

The tv show comparison is good especially in relation to the editing expected of you for an FPI. You can do the oldstyle subjects but it must have modern editing.

Also you put how much time you choose to put, it's entirely upto you.

Can you please clarify the bit in bold. I'm unsure as to the term 'modern editing'.

Personally I like to keep things simple and subtle and go over the top.

The statement also suggests that those shooting and scanning film stand little to zero chance.

photofervor said, 1728284913

What are the numbers involved in rejecting an image in the FPI queue?

How anonymous can it be when an image in the queue is from a photographer with a distinctive style or a well-known model?

StormBringer said, 1728285942


Edit second paragraph above should have read ".... and not go over the top."

Lenswonder said, 1728286191

Starglider Photography a reel of various images selected for review in a queue.

With a remove or keep button.

Lenswonder said, 1728286294

StormBringer by oldstyle I simply mean themes related to old subjects like war or costume drama.

Lenswonder said, 1728286690

photofervor I don't want to talk numbers because they can change depending on different factors. It's not anonymous because names of uploaders are attached.

photofervor said, 1728287548

'It's not anonymous because names of uploaders are attached'

that's a revelation to me after 10 years on here of thinking the process was anonymous

Lenswonder said, 1728288452

photofervor far from anonymous and photos are getting through which clearly lack in clarity were the models face is not even clear to see.

Firstadekit said, 1728288706

How many selectors are there currently?

With what could be a wide varying view of what makes the cut, how do you determine quality control amongst the selectors. E.g. Does it take just one person to click the remove from queue button, or does it have to be several of you. It would seem harsh for example if 9 out of 10 selectors were ok with an image but one person wasn't, so it got removed?

Does PP keep stats on how you perform, how many images your selecting, how many your rejecting?

Do you online meet regularly (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, Quarterly or not at all), have your own pp group for chat? Or is it a completely non collaborative approach. 

W A L L Y said, 1728290907

How long have you been an Elf? 

Orson Carter said, 1728291160

I had a stint as a selector several years ago. I knew that the system was as fair as it could be. Even if there were two or three, shall we say, self-interested people in the team (which there might or might not have been - I'd like to think not), there was no way that two or three people could influence or control things.

So when I saw forum posts accusing the team of all sorts of skulduggery, that really pissed me off. My question.. Does it annoy you?