By Hartleys, 1729788676
Just a word of warning to all...
The above hotel often push there services for various groups and have targeted photographers at shows etc...
You may well have already visited their establishment...
The location is without doubt beautiful and the potential of the place immense...
Unfortunately the property is in a downward spiral and is chaotic, run down and scruffy. The lodges being in a worse state than the main hotel...
Food is fine, staff are untrained and struggling to cope...
The water is "brown" from the taps and undrinkable with debris (they do provide bottled), the water temperature is luke warm at best and they are struggling to maintain pressure... Showers are a nightmare to take due to the constant fettling by "maintainers"
When looking at the reviews you will notice that these issues have been in existence for a few years especially the cold shower (that will teach me to do my research)...
Just watch out at the shows you might regret your decision...