By DominaMelody, 1728730011
Hi everyone,
The OS I have installed on my computer is a bit atypical. It's Ubuntu Linux, and I've been using the GNU Image Manipulation Program for image editing. But I'm running up against either
a.) the limitations of the software, or
b.) my not knowing how to use it efficiently
a lot.
Typically, the only editing I do is cropping the image to remove, say, the rail and pegs holding up the studio backdrop, or the piles of not-relevant props off to the sides.
1.) When done for just one image, this is fine. For a lot of images, it is very tedious and time consuming. I'm interested in knowing whether any software exists that can identify the human being in the image (maybe after I've clicked on myself) and automatically crop the image to just include me and a very small amount of space to each side.
2.) This isn't always doable. It may be that I'm leaning forward, and my fingers have come off the end of the white sheet and onto the studo floor without me knowing. Or an attempt to shoot a high kick means that parts of the studio that shouldn't be in shot are behind my foot. Is there any software that can, again, automatically identify the human being (me) in the shoot, and replace everything else with a blank white background?
3.) Last week, I was watching a professional photographer work with Photoshop on his iMac. I watched him use the sliders to experiment with different values for brightness and exposure (and probably other things I've forgotten.) In Photoshop, all the sliders are available to you at the same time, and you can test combinations of these on the go. In the GNU package, I have to go through the menus to Colours - Brightness and Contrast, try some changes there, click OK, go back through the menus to Colours - Exposure to try a change to that... In Photoshop, it just took a handful of mouse movements to achieve that and more!
Can anyone recommend a better image-editing package that is available for Linux? Or maybe even Windows 10 if necessary - I can dual-boot my laptop into Windows 10 if I have to, but I'd REALLY prefer not to have to. I hate having to delete the spyware-y CompatTelRunner.exe after every major software update, for instance.