Personal Photographers for Government Ministers


JME Studios said, 1727462969

random Ed Davey would be great fun to ride shotgun along. I'm not a yellow in any way, but I greatly admire his colourful campaign compared to the grey and beige efforts from the big two.

CalmNudes said, 1727527844

JME Studios said

random I have a particular disdain for people who use Corporate Buzzwords in order to "talk a good game," thinking it improves their professional perception.

On a support call with someone in my organisation the other week, someone in the team who is obsessed with corporate language said "X is at the tip of the spear of bad information."

He's just been told something that's incorrect. 😂

"Can we circle back and take a helicopter view of the current issue when I have a greater amount of bandwidth?"

What's so wrong with "Let's look at this when I've more time."

Yeah. I've worked in places where everyone talks like that. ChatGPT seems to have been trained on people who write like that.

I once was in presentation where the guys verbal tick was to tell us that we needed to remember the next point. But some micro-stroke seemed to have deleted "Now remember..." from his brain, and so he said "Be cognizant of/that..." and after about the 3rd time all I was remembering was how many times he said  "Be cognizant" and not what he wanted me be cognizant of.

I've heard "Develop competencies" in place of "learn",  "more performant" instead "better", and lots of  some_adjective space,  Instead of noun-to-which-adjective-applies e.g "corporate-space" instead of "main customers".   I don't think these are to look better, I think they are people who don't have what they talking about clear in their heads, so it allows their mouths to keep going while their brains are marshalling the ideas.  Someone gets up and says "After a sequence of self inflicted sub-optimal outcomes in the corporate space, the SLT have identified a necessity to develop the competencies to make us more performant, and have mandated a team-wide programme of upskilling", and the people they are talking to are still working out that means "The board has mandated some training after recent cock-ups" when they've sat down, preventing difficult questions like "What cock-ups" "What training" and "Will it help". 

Sometimes "when it comes to bad information, X is that tip of the spear " is a better form than "X is an ignorant git";  I have used "In my experience X's statements are often at odds with the facts" (I don't know or care if X is lying or stupid)  and "The bar for allocating resources is too high for this to clear" (it's too dumb to waste time on). 


John 75 said, 1727529851

Imagine all the replies to castings is  it payed ?

Edited by John 75

Wise Old Dragon said, 1727530868

I admit there are a few politicians I would love to shoot...

random said, 1727534144

Years ago it was possible to see politicians "live" in the street on walkabouts, or at genuine public meetings.  I did attend a few of these although the Conservatives had already moved to supporter events only so they could control what was seen on TV etc.  But I did see Michael Foot in his donkey jacket and have some photos of him somewhere, walking through Stockport precinct.  And various LibDems.  But now all the stuff on TV is basically set up for TV.  

Or does anyone have experience of being inside/outside party conferences?  Is that a place politicials can be seen "in the wild"?

MidgePhoto said, 1728158517

JME Studios you've met her?

JME Studios said, 1728158951

MidgePhoto Rayner? Thankfully not, nor do I have any desire to.

MidgePhoto said, 1728159108

JME Studios gossip, then. Or a view of women.

JME Studios said, 1728159247 ... Comment buried because it was off topic