By Lightingman, 1726918060
I was just musing about how the 'taking' aspect ratio of capture influences ones imagery.
When I shot large format my favourite was 5 x 7 (inches) 1:1.4 which, to me just had a "rightness" about it and as I did contact prints the aspect ratio was fixed.
I've gone through a lot of kit over the years, starting with 35mm therefore 3:2, ( 1: 1.5) and my first 'love' was Henri Cartier Bresson so endeavoured to shoot in that. Square format (1:1, that was easy!) never really did it for me albeit some great stuff eg. Michael Kenna is done.
10 x 8/5 x4 ( 1:1.25) also still quite 'square.' Similarly 6 x 7 ( 1:1.16)
Digital MF ( as its designated) 4:3 (1:1.33).
OBVIOUSLY one can and does crop and with stitching pano's of 2:1, 3:1 ------ are available but how does the straight on aspect ratio matter when you photograph?
Edited by Lightingman