It's good to know that I appear to have been thinking along the right lines. I usually leave underwear as supplied in bags/with tags etc so that the model can see it's new and if necessary remove the tags in front of them.
Sensual Art "Wear to model and keep" is a good description for how I've been doing things - although a few models have declined to keep offered items, which is a shame as I have no further use & have ended up binning decent quality items. I've also had models express genuine surprise when I say they can keep the sets as they've not been offered offered them before.
Mel4nie an interesting point on the look/fitting aspect. I usually have some general sets available in the models size for the model to choose from if they want, but I guess that if I had a particular underwear set in mind to discuss it first and maybe send the money for them to make the purchase if it's agreed that it's acceptable.
Holly Alexander I know what you mean on the protectors & can't think of the name either. I don't think anything I have in stock has even been out of their bags let alone worn. I might suggest items, but it's always the model's decision & it's fine if they choose their own stuff over what I have.