Image Sharing to a models portfolio


indemnity said, 1727106388

Right click copy save, then simply upload image in the same way an image is usually uploaded. The only dodge with a share function within the site is that when an image becomes an FPI it might not function, or rather shouldn't function.

indemnity said, 1727106558

Sensual Art said

Viv2 As I suggested, something like a checkbox to invite the other person to add it directly would overcome this.

Edited by Sensual Art

Image might not be satisfactory quality and the provider might have a 'precious moment' when it's declined.


Thanks all, I have just shared a Google folder for now.

Stu H said, 1727108562

Is it really difficult in adding a folder to GDrive or OneDrive and then sharing the folder?

I'm not sure I can think of anyone who has ever had trouble downloading an image and then uploading it.

[I'm asking as I've been trying to share a SharePoint folder with someone at work who isn't in my organisation and it's been a chuffing nightmare]

Points raised earlier in this thread about people leaving, dropping to Free accounts etc seem quite a valid reason *not* to share from one portfolio to another, as well as the FPI thingymabob too.

Or... maybe make it a Premium Only feature ...

Edited by Stu H

Sensual Art said, 1727110040

Stu H no-one is suggesting that the image would become a shared resource, simply that it would allow the model to take a copy onto their profile without having to download and then upload.

And yes, I've had models say that it's "too hard" to download a image from a shared drive, which is why they ended up using the screenshot approach, which utterly wrecked my efforts at providing something of even mediocre quality.

Lenswonder said, 1727110719

Sensual Art I don't know why they'd have to screenshot it , depending on the device you use right click and look at the options it gives you. Just get the photographers permission to use it before doing so. Screenshotting it probably feels easier for them but they should consider if that's the way the photographer wants it displayed.

Edited by Lenswonder

mskeetphoto said, 1727111227

Another vote for a collaboration style feature a la Instagram.

Was on the receiving end of an invitation last week and really liked how easy it was and the insights it provided. Assuming the right people are tagged UI wise it could be a checkbox. The backend plumbing will undoubtedly be more work but should be doable (speaking as a now retired web developer)

BigBaldTone said, 1727112328

Someone needs to raise this in the suggestions forum, as plenty have suggested

Lenswonder said, 1727112955

What people seem to be suggesting seems to be similar to the FPI image uploaded by different people type problem, I don't see it happening.

FiL said, 1727113973


Good afternoon,

Is there a way for a model to add images we created together from my port to her port instead of me emailing them to her to upload.

Many thanks,

Unless I misunderstand you, this function already exists and has done for as long as I can remember.

The model just needs to copy the image URL from your port.

The last time I mentioned this function in the forum (which was a while ago) there were multiple complaints from photographers who felt it made it too easy for models to 'nick' their images!

Huw said, 1727116462

Exactly.... right click on the image, select open in new tab, copy the address.

Gothic Image said, 1727116889

It's probably worth pointing out that any potential solution needs to work easily on a 'phone as that's what most models use?