Home » wreckage » Partizan Attitude

Partizan Attitude

Partizan Attitude / Photography by wreckage, Stylist wreckage, Taken at Gabriel / Uploaded 17th August 2013 @ 03:56 PM

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Added 1376755004 by wreckage.

I wanted to create a fashion editorial style thing. Gabriel, who runs the UK Glamour Photography workshops (on Meetup.com) Introduced me to Faith Obae and set up a shoot in this great looking venue. The idea behind the Military stuff was that she'd be a Partizan. Occupying this room to fight off - well, whoever. I had films like Saving Private Ryan in mind, so muted colours were key. Faith's poise gave it all the perfect fashion feel, I'm really happy with the results, but wish we'd spent 5 hours on it instead of two!