Additional Information

  • Hobbyist Photographer
  • More than 10 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Beauty, Fitness, Lifestyle, Portrait and Promotional



I am an amateur photographer, mostly I have been focused on night and landscape so the model photography is a new angle for me. I am quick to pick up techniques and do know my way around a proper SLR.

I am open to pay or TFP, really anything to get some more experience. If you are patient and willing I am happy to provide my services and even give you some cash to boot.

At this stage I am not accepting requests, rather am approaching models I feel are capable of nurturing and helping rather than giving any expectation up front. This is also due to my being time poor - I can't always respond as I fly around the world for my job and can't always get to my email. I do promise that if I book I always follow through, time management is part of my job and I will always attend a booked session.

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Mike Ross has 7 followers and is following 134 people.