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Shoots styles

Alternative, Beauty, Commercial, Cosplay, Dance, Fashion, Fitness, Glamour, Lifestyle, Portrait and Wedding



Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read through this!


I'm a semi-pro photographer who's been shooting for just over 5 years now. I took up the camera when I moved to Oxfordshire for other work, as a way of getting out of the house and exploring my new environment; I bought a wide-angle lens and went out exploring the countryside, snapping away at fields and sheep and stars.

However, despite taking some decent photos that I'm still happy with, I found out pretty quickly that landscape photography is, well... pretty dull. To me, at least ;) . After having gone to comic-cons in Birmingham, Manchester and London a few times though and getting some good shots of the amazing cosplayers there, I decided a change of scene was a good idea. I moved into portraiture, and I've been happy doing that since.


My style is very varied - I love how, in portraiture, every shot is different and can convey so many different moods, feelings and creative expressions. Rather than stick to one subgenre of portraiture, I love jumping about; I've done fairytale to urbex to boudoir to fashion to historical to neon and everything in between. It's this wide variety of styles that I think is what keeps me coming back to the portraiture genre, as well as meeting some absolutely amazing people and great new friends.


I am currently undertaking two major long-term projects;

1. I want to create my own photographic Tarot deck, staying close to and respectful of the original source material and its meanings, history and symbologies.

2. 'Modern magic'. Have you ever noticed that in fantasy literature, magic is either common but the setting is European Medieval, or magic is rare/hidden but the setting is modern? What if magic was common in the modern world, what would that look like? Spellbooks on iPads? Quidditch on BBC Sport? Potion shops on the high street? I want to take a lighthearted, humorous look at what this would be like.

I've made a start on both projects but there's so much more to do on them!


Check out the shots below for a short selection of my photos. Since I let my Purpleport VIP membership expire last year, a lot of them have disappeared (along with the FPIs...) but there's many more images on my Instagram (@subject_to_status) but these are some of my favourites and hopefully they showcase quite a range of my photography.

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SubjectToStatus has 44 references; 44 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.


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