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References for Nikita Banana

Nikita Banana has 396 references; 396 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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She's not wrong you know. At the time of my writing this, Ms. Banana's notes state 'every year I get a little bit more fabulous ;-) ". I checked and the last time Ms Banana came was nearly 4 years ago. Fast forward 4 years and, barring offering the opportunity to make all sorts of musa related puns little has changed barring Nikita being ca. 4x 'a little bit more fabulous'

Each time we've worked together I've really enjoyed NB's (TBH I do object a little to her dropping her previous moniker which I felt described her perfectly) personality, professionalism and, of course, appearance. This time was no exception, it felt like it was about 2 weeks ago we'd last met. We'd intentionally given ourselves a reasonable amount of time, so we could have a relaxed shoot. But in her usual style Nikita was both relaxed and efficient / effective with her posing, thus allowing us to hurtle through numerous costume 'changes' and sets, while feeling we were just having a bit of a laugh. Amazingly productive time.

Today NB provided me a new entry to the phrases I carry around while shooting to 'ground myself'. We'd just shot a location latex set while threatened by some thunderous rain laden black clouds. Nikita and I were on a roll, got some amazing (IMHO) shots, before we called it. I then switched attention to stopping my kit getting a dousing. My wife immediately provided Nikkie with a hoodie and 'sensible shoes', Nikita's response being "Every photographer needs a Carolyn" I couldn't agree more, but many thanks for the acknowledgement.

Fabulous model, always welcome here. If you've not shot with Nikita, I can't recommend that you get your arse in gear and see if you can book her. Never know, she might get bored of this modelling lark!

Thanks for coming Ms Banana. Come back soon.

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NB: Nikita Banana; Natural Beauty; Naturist Beach; …..Never Better!

Was the day perfick? Yup! Fablas

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John Askey

Great to work with Nikita again after far too many years…she is however like fine wine; she gets better with age.

She is an absolute pleasure to work with, producing innovative poses time after time. Nikita clearly enjoys what she does and works hard with you to get the shots you are after, her fabulous physique lends itself to some fantastic art nude poses.

Not just a great model, but a beautiful person too. I would recommend her to all photographers of any experience and it goes without saying I look forward to working with her again soon (hopefully next month 😊).

Thanks Nikita, until next time (Y)

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Second time working with nikita banana.

Great model,tonight's theme was bodyscaping which went great. Look forward to working with nikita again in the future

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Nik 3

Our second shoot, this time at Cardiff docks, with the students using outdoor flash techniques. Pixie (Nikita) is a dream to work with. The moment the cameras start clicking, (bear in mind there were three students working with her, so three times the focus) she is superbe. Poses, openness and creative I think we can say that everybody were 'well chuffed' with the shots they achieved thanks to Pixie.

What was lovely also was right up to the last moment she was posing for shots, anticipating the necessity and being 'on call' at every moment.

Thoroughly recommend as model. looking forward to a third session in the late summer.

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It's been far too long since my last shoot with Nikita. And I soon remembered why I loved shooting with her so much. She is a wonderfully expressive model with posing second to none. Her physique is perfect for art nude in the landscape. Just perfect. Nikita took me to the most wonderful costal location with stunning and dramatic scenery and despite the weather forecast the sun appeared on arrival and stayed with us all day long. And to cap it all she is just so nice to spend time with. I have so many fantastic images from this shoot - I could stop shooting for the rest of the summer and still have enough images to post regularly! One of my very best shoots ever.

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Alastair Currill Photography and Studio

It was great to be working with Nikki again, it had been 4 years since our last shoot but you wouldn't have thought it. She was great fun to work with, She was up for everyones ideas on the shoot. She even brought outfits that suits the theme of the group shoot. Really can't wait to work with her again soon . Well I say works again soon she impressed our regulars at the studio so much we already have our next group shoot booked. Highly Recommend

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Nikita was great.

Approachable so great to work with.

Will definitely work with again

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Nik 3

Nikita had been booked for a studio session with my photography students, in a few cases, the first time shooting with a professional model.

She was totally relaxed and happy to help with the poses and ideas, it isn't easy working with 4 photographers, but she was patient with us all, totally professional and looking at the shots after the session, we had a good range of shots and styles. Considering we had only a two hour session we got a lot done, clothing changes, backgrounds and lighting.

Friendly, and totally professional...with a lovely personality.... looking forward to working with her again. Thanks Nikita for a good shoot.


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Dave Clark

I met Nikita at a group shoot we did in Bourton on the water recently, Nikita was great to work with, made taking the photos easy and was happy to accommodate our ideas. I highly recommend Nikita and im looking forward to working again with her next month.

Thanks for some great photos Nikita :-)

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My first shoot after a year of lockdown - so of course I'm going to book Nikita - she's wonderful!

Endless patience while I messed about with my 40 year old large format (5"x4" film) camera. Big change for me to go back to shooting film after a break of ten years, and I picked the hardest type of film camera. Great results on the shots I've developed so far, and mostly due to Nikita.

We've shot many times, and I consider her one of the really great models. Recommended for any photographer with any level of experience. Great company for a day driving round looking for locations and getting lost as well...

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Had a second chance to work with the lovely Nikita Banana this time at her place and it was every bit as good as the first time. Nikita is simply a joy to work with. She indulged me with some indoor portraits and then we shot outdoors in Cardiff's lovely gardens.

I'm absolutely thrilled with how the photos turned out. Shooting with Nikita is a wonderful experience and I hope it's one I get to experience again soon.

Of course, Nikita Banana comes with the highest possible recommendation. She's awesome! :-)

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Iris Ferret

I was fortunate enough to have my first shoot with the lovely Nikita this week after making contact.

Having been a fan of her work for some years now prior to her break from PP, I was really excited to be able to collaborate together on something.

And man, what an awesome shoot! A very friendly and bubbly person, Nikita is easy to talk to and it became apparent very quickly that she was going to be a lot of fun to work with. Her pre shoot comms were prompt, helpful and organised and she came to the shoot fully prepared with some beautiful outfits and makeup done.

We worked on a variety of weird and wonderful themes and despite a sudden bout of unfortunate rain (and quite a nip in the air), Nikita was nothing but a consummate professional and worked hard to see our set through to the end. Very open to weird ideas and suggestions, her beautiful posing flowed effortlessly throughout and even when I asked her to lie down in the soggy moss, she didn't bat an eyelid.

As some of my stranger ideas take a bit of preparation, there's often a lot of faffing about with props. Thankfully this didn't bother Nikita in the slightest and she was happy to help me set things up while we chatted and had a laugh. During the shooting process she was open to direction but to be honest, didn't really need any. We got some absolutely fantastic images and I can't wait to show her the finished results!

I had a wonderful day working with Nikita despite the rain's best efforts to thwart us and I couldn't recommend her highly enough. A beautiful person both inside and out, she's a hard worker who clearly takes great enjoyment and pride in what she does. I hope to have many more shoots with this lovely lady in the future and would happily recommend her to anyone.

Thanks for such a great shoot Nikita!

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I had the enormous pleasure of a socially-distanced photoshoot with the lovely Nikita, my first since lockdown started. Not much needs to be said about how amazing and professional a model she is, so I shall conclude with saying that I found her very easygoing, friendly and engaging. I'd love to photograph her again. Thank you!

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I'm always excited when I shoot Pixie as I know she delivers, always, great poses and is joy to work with. This time though, well something rather magical happen and we had our best shoot ever. So, so may good images it's a crime to edit them down. Ours was my penultimate studio shoot of 2018 so certainly ending the year on a high! Thanks Pixie, look forward to working together in 2019 :)

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Andrew Matthew (aka acameraman)

Pixie has a look that shouts "Perfect images ready and waiting." I love working with her. It is relaxing, fun and I never fail to get results I am proud of. She always has some great outfits and this time it was an amazing coral pink swimsuit. Yesterday, after a three hour shoot, the latest of many, I was aready thinking what we might try the next time. Thanks Pixie, Happy Xmas.

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Had an amazing shoot with Miss Pixie today at Paul’s Studio. Miss P was lovely to get along with and very professional. The 2 hours flew by and we had a very varied shoot, she was willing to try different styles and I couldn’t have been happier. The result was a fantastic 2 hours and I came away with many great shots. Many thanks and hope to do a second shoot soon. I definitely recommend.

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Shaun Solent

I have worked with Miss Pixie from time to time over the past 10 years. She NEVER disappoints. I repeatedly asked myself during today's shoot why I have not worked with her more regularly.

Just study that remarkable physique and the way in which our Pixie is able to create every possible concave and convex curve with it and you will be spellbound. I was, I am and I always will be.

I do not have to explicate at length - just look at our images.

I am in this game for fun and today I had fun - I am still buzzing.

Resolution - I am going to work with this exceptional model for at least one day a year for the rest of my photographic life.

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Camera 7

I had another truly wonderful shoot with the lovely Miss Pixie during Paul's Studio Wales Weekend recently. Miss Pixie is a truly gifted professional, producing innovative poses across a wide range of genres. She is courteous and great fun to work with, indeed a true lady in every sense of the word.

Our shoot was thoroughly enjoyable and I very much look forward to working with her again. I highly recommend her to any photographer!

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It was glad to find out I was shooting with Miss Pixie on the Wales weekend.

As always, she was helpful, great fun to work with and she even managed to make sense of my vague directions, and we ended up with a lot of good images.

I would recommend Miss Pixie to any photographer and expect to work with her again.

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