Additional Information

Shoots styles

Adult, Beauty, Commercial, Erotic, Fashion, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Pinup, Portrait, Sheer, Swimwear and Topless



I started in 1994 with a beauty and imaging company called Styles on Video. Learned how to use our proprietary makeover software by comparing it to photoshop. This was in the very early days of Windows so it was right when graphic imaging was just starting to become user friendly. After this I worked for a Digital Newborn Baby Photo company and we used Photoshop specifically to enhance the images of the babies, as they came in from the hospitals when there was only dial-up, so we had to do a lot of color and focus correcting, and in a very short period of time (less than 5 mins per baby) and make them high enough quality to compete with tradition photo companies. I developed a script for each hospital so the process could be streamlined to 3 mins per baby, and we took pride that we would have the pictures to the parents in 3 days after the baby was born as opposed to 2 weeks by the traditional method, and we only had about a 15% return rate.

A couple of years later I took a position as an Instructor at a business school in the San Fernando valley, so I became an Adobe Certified Expert in both Photoshop and Illustrator and became State of California Board certified to teach Graphics and Web Design. I learned Flash, Fireworks, and Dreamweaver when Macromedia was just starting out, and attended many seminars by both Adobe and Macromedia to keep current on the changing software.

Since then, I have trained photographers and artists privately how to become the most efficient with Photoshop, using both Macintosh and PC equally, as the clients had different systems and different uses for their media. I am always looking for new opportunities to assist both photographers and models, and I am currently using CS3 but am familiar with 4 and 5. Because I have 10 years of instructor experience, I can also teach just about anyone to improve their own media, as well as just doing retouching and editing myself.

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