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Home » Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley » When Christmas just becomes too much.....

When Christmas just becomes too much.....

When Christmas just becomes too much..... / Photography by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Post processing by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Stylist Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley, Taken at PoZersPhotography, Designer Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley / Uploaded 20th December 2017 @ 11:29 PM

Added 1513812565 by Flash. Bang. PoZe. Photography by Alley.

I don’t want to sound miserable around what should be, one of the happiest times of the year, but it isn’t for everyone, sometimes all the festive cheer becomes just too much to cope with, mental health, alcoholism, addiction, poor health, life threatening illness etc. Doesn’t disappear because it’s Christmas, it’s like a puppy, not just for Christmas,it’s for life... this is dedicated to all the families effected by sadness, mental health, life threatening conditions, money worries and your first Christmas without a loved one. While I wish you all a happy Christmas and a bright 2018, please think of those who feel sad and alone this time of the year. Thank you Pip for playing an amazing part in this Christmas story, You were amazing and the images are strong and realistic thanks to your ability to act and relate to the character.