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Andromeda / Photography by rodm99, Model boykitten, Post processing by rodm99 / Uploaded 3rd September 2012 @ 12:00 AM
Photography by: rodm99Model: boykittenPost processing by: rodm99Keyword tags: andromeda, art, bald, bondage, creepy, disgust, fetish, greek mythology, kinky, location, monster, myth, Nude, outdoors, Pond, rope, scary, sea, Sea Monster, tree, wood, woodlandGroups: (Invite) None

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Added 1346630405 by boykitten.

Boykitten plays the sea monster to Gibboelli's Andromeda, of one a series of literary inspired photos in a collaboration with photographer Rod Macdonald (rodm99).

The body of water is stagnant rather than salt: an ancient pond in an ancient woodland with a good few feet of smelly rotting vegetation at the bottom, lots of pond scum, mosquitoes, midges and leeches. Suffering for art!