Home » Angela P Barnes » AVG THEME: 'Fantasy' Steam Punk Hairstyle

AVG THEME: 'Fantasy' Steam Punk Hairstyle

The 'Fantasy Steam Punk Hairstyle' was created through Angela Barnes of Select Hair and Gill Moppett Photography. Gill and I, initially had another theme in mind, but I had done some of the wire headdress of my creation and brought it along within another Training Head. Gill and myself, decided to go with that idea and Gill was to organise Rachel (Model), Touran (MUA) in within the group and was able to have accessories from Maggie from Exquisite Boutique and Bethany Marshall for the Bespoke Steam Punk Jewellery for the final effect shown with these lovely photographs.

This was a highly enjoyable photo shoot and looking forward to creating more Avante Guarde Hairstyles in the near future.

This design is Select Hair's very first Avante-Guarde Hairstyle with professional photography.

Fantasy Steam Punk Hairstyle' By Select Hair (Mobile Hairdressing)

Photography: Gill Moppett Photography

Model: Rachel Dodman

Make Up Artist (MUA): Touran Adams-Murgatroyd

Bespoke Jewellery: Bethany Marshall

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