Home » Keira Lavelle » Face It - Portraits

Face It - Portraits

Portraiture also passes as a style of which I model quite frequently. Facial expressions, and connecting with the viewer in this, quite personal and direct way, is a big part of how I model in general: whether the framing of the shot is full length or just the face. Hence I like the manner in which headshots and close-in portraiture seizes that intimate connection between viewer and subject. Would the age-old saying: "the eyes are the gateway to the soul" be too cheesy right now? :P But in all seriousness - it's a hugely creative area of shooting which quite often get's underrated/overseen. Aside from the fact that expressive portraits make very powerful pictures... Makeup artistry and hair styling opens the gates to create as extravagant or "slick" and image as one desires.  

You get the drift - this is what my face looks like. Some standard "lookin-straight-atcha" shots, others more "wistfully gazing off into the distance" and I will get around to adding some more stupid faces/normally test shots eventually. ;)

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