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Em in Iceland: Thank you :)

Simon Carter

By Simon Carter, 1589879388

Thank you my recent fPie with Em Theresa !

This post is really just to reply to those who made such kind comments on it as there's no way to reply to comments on images.

So.. 1Sadie  Wavepower  MickLacey  TheRealDrewT  EastCoastWest  Jknights  Lights Shadows Dreams  KieranB  trebor images  HansM  VADAVA  Bowtie David  JohnG thank you!

For those who care about these things.. it's a composite. The waterfall is Skogafoss in a part-frozen state from February 2018, stitched from two wide angle images. The pic of Em was taken at AURA Studio a few weeks later and I had no intention of making a composite. Consequently the lighting and horizons don't really match but it's close enough for my purposes.

Also posted by Simon Carter in this group

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Wavepower said, 1589880617

What a nice thought as a thank you, appreciated.

And thank you for the background information, and yes there are some of us that do care about such things. Above all I am relieved poor Em Theresa only had to endure the rigours of posing at Aura rather than the freezing wet mist by Skogafoss.

(The post though leaves me jealous of your trip to Iceland, not least as it seems unlikely I will get there any time soon.)

A petty good result from two independently conceived images.

Steve 1 said, 1589880992

I love it in Iceland!

I just wish they had more tills open. ;-)

Jknights said, 1589882497

Great work.

If the model could have survived those conditions she would have been amazing.  I certainly think that getting the frozen waterfall was an achievement itself.

Thanks for telling us more about the image.


Simon Carter said, 1589882870

Jknights said

I certainly think that getting the frozen waterfall was an achievement itself.


Thank you, it was a bit tricky! I had to get really close to keep the other tourists out of shot - so had to shoot wide and stitch. Consequently the mist and spray were problematic.

VADAVA said, 1590004628

So interesting to hear about the composition of this composite. The result is just Beautiful and brings Dreams ...

"Thanks for telling us more about the image." Yep !