Shutter app


Wally's Wine Project said, 1716678063

StudioOneRemote said

Wally's Wine Project said

I had a quick look at the images on your profile and they are all first class. Are you shooting in RAWS using the app's pro plan or high res JPEGS on the standard plan?

Great that the app has allowed you to continue your good work despite circumstances.

Thanks, Wally! I'm glad to meet a kindred spirit here! The photos are a mix: some taken with a Nikon D3s at my studio and others with whatever the model had. I can't tell the difference. I'm on the Pro plan, with RAW enabled and 20 GB of storage, since I take many photos per session. I only use the main camera with no aftermarket lenses. I upload immediately just for safety's sake. For the phone shots; I routinely use HitPaw in post for noise reduction and facial skin smoothing, if necessary. I usually post the EXIF data of the phone sessions, though.

I got a chuckle out of your strip poker and winetasting concepts! Lol! While I curse the time differences, it looks like you embrace them! Great work!

Michael Smith

Edited by StudioOneRemote

Edited by StudioOneRemote

Thanks for the info, Michael, As I'm living in Australia, a relatively underpopulated country by global standards, we don't have a huge number of available models, so I found the a great way to reach so many more (without travel and jet lag). The time differences were initially a major obstacle until I started offering a bottle as a bribe. Not only was that a game changer, but it also took the shoots into an interesting direction. So now "wine" is part of my branding. lol

I have been shooting with high res jpegs, as I have occasionally had video feed buffering issues with RAWS overloading the internet connection. Once on a shoot to Ohio, the buffering was so bad I don't think I ever once got to see the model "live", so I was thrilled when I could see that the photos were coming through crystal clear. Our audio connection was working fine, so I explained the situation and we quickly adjusted our strategy and continued for a productive shoot. But as a safeguard against this happening again, I often double check the available storage space and internet speed on the model's device.

Thanks for the suggestion of HitPaw. I'll check them out.



StudioOneRemote said, 1716685023

No, her account has been deactivated for years it looks like...