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What are Models and Photographers saying about the economy?



By Dino.3000, 1715430134

Sure, you can listen to obscure business gurus like Warren Buffet or read that conspiracy rag, the Wall Street Journal, to get your economic news. But what REAL economists know is that when you really really want to know what's happening in the world of high finance, you talk to the strippers and prostitutes that service the men of industry.

It's just a fact.

And what these savants are telling us is that the US economy is going to crash in the next year.

So maybe Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos and the WSJ were right after all.

Anyway, hold onto your wallet and follow the news from Nevada's leading business journal and legal brothel, the Mustang Ranch.

indemnity said, 1715434589

Goodness me how will the world stock market affect aperture/shutter/iso or nude/lingerie/fashion especially when you work out travel costs too? I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Orson Carter said, 1715437102

Your title refers to models and photographers. But in your text you refer to strippers and prostitutes that 'service the men of industry'. 

Are you lumping models, photographers, strippers and prostitutes in the same bag? 

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715439242

Orson Carter said

Your title refers to models and photographers. But in your text you refer to strippers and prostitutes that 'service the men of industry'. 

Are you lumping models, photographers, strippers and prostitutes in the same bag? 

Christ. He’s onto us.

JonC said, 1715439355


mike rowley said, 1715441692

⬆️ what he said

John VonGeezer said, 1715443494

Just maybe not all modern CEOs and captains of industry use the Mustang ranch anymore.just a thought.

priceb61 said, 1715443995

I take it that this is a joke but just not a very funny one. 

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715444734

John VonGeezer said

Just maybe not all modern CEOs and captains of industry use the Mustang ranch anymore.just a thought.

Too busy paying us photographers to shake a tripod leg at them.

Gothic Image said, 1715446870

Whatever ...

Huw said, 1715449395

Most of them are saying we might survive another few years if Biden gets re-elected.

Otherwise, probably be best to start learning Russian.

ADWsPhotos said, 1715453840

You might not find that you’ll get a view from here which relates to your US perspective. We’re a parochial lot.

Not that I’d suggest that the US people are the same

Timmee said, 1715512719

I read 'Strippers & Prostitutes' and enthusiastically clicked on the video.😀

I was very 'deflated' when it turned out to be all about economics, complicated statistics, and graphs. 😒

(I had more than enough of that at Uni LOL.)

ps. In the movie 'The Big Short' the 'shorting' guys from one bank go to a property investing convention in Las Vegas in order to assess whether property prices are in a bubble. In addition to finance industry people, they interview one of the strippers who has bought multiple homes with low start variable rate mortgage loans (which are just about to ramp up interest rates dramatically.) Apparently there were real instances of this, so (in a sense) the fate of the strippers was signaling the more general financial crash about to happen.


Edited by Timmee

Huw said, 1715517481

I think a more accurate but less “click bait” indicator for the UK is counting the number of people eating in your local Indian restaurant at 9.00 p.m. on Friday night. said, 1715522331

Huw said

I think a more accurate but less “click bait” indicator for the UK is counting the number of people eating in your local Indian restaurant at 9.00 p.m. on Friday night. 

Indeed. Though I think perhaps an even stronger indication of what really happening on our doorsteps, right here in the sunlit uplands of Singapore-on-Thames, is the phenomenal rise in the use of food banks. These figures are from The Trussell Trust, just one of the charities involved...


Edited by

CalmNudes said, 1715530937 said

Huw said

I think a more accurate but less “click bait” indicator for the UK is counting the number of people eating in your local Indian restaurant at 9.00 p.m. on Friday night. 

Indeed. Though I think perhaps an even stronger indication of what really happening on our doorsteps, right here in the sunlit uplands of Singapore-on-Thames, is the phenomenal rise in the use of food banks. These figures are from The Trussell Trust, just one of the charities involved...

WHAT does it tell you ? That people are doing more to support their others and charity does not need to be nationalized ?  Or that more people know about the existence of food banks and are able to use the help that is there for them?  Some evolution in the way the less well off use cash benefits?  What does greater delivery by food banks actually mean? And if poverty were the same, but government charity took the place of organizations like the Trussell trust would calling that charity a 'credit' or a 'benefit' change anything ?     

I don't know what angle you're coming from but I do get pissed off with people who one moment are handwringing about 'the poor' as they choose to define the category (while offering nothing more than words), and the next are venting toxically about people who help when they themselves do. 

And actually to go back to the topic, some spending can be a leading indicator of sentiment in the economy. Going out and buying a nice new camera is a sign that not only are things OK, but you expect them to remain OK. Postponing that purchase might mean you're OK now, but don't feel sure you will be in a few months. If poundland is seeing more footfall perhaps people are pessimistic, if M&S are maybe there's optimism in the air.  Foodbanks and similar don't tell us how people feel about the future, but who has had a shit time of it in recent weeks/months. They MAY also tell us how far those at the bottom are dropping behind those in the middle - busier food banks could be a sign that most people people have more money to spend and the few at the bottom have the same money as they did but prices have gone up.