Anyone still on there?


Anna Secret Poet said, 1715342742

I still use it on occasion! I follow some really great photography pages on there. I'm under the name Anna Blair 🥰

♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1715343696

I’m on there as a self-portrait photographer, but I haven’t updated for years.. I should really, but it’s one platform too many to keep up with, ughh..

IanClive said, 1715344494

I've got a site on Flickr , But it's for my railway pictures , you're welcome to pop in if  trains are your thing 

Ian White | Flickr

Thanks , Ian 

Edited by IanClive

MGraphics said, 1715391464

♥ Chiara Elisabetta yeah I think sometimes it’s hard keeping up with all the platforms lol