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Anyone still on there?



By MGraphics, 1715265697

Was thinking of setting up a Flickr page but a few years ago they said it was dead.

Anyone still on there? And does anyone want a follow? 😊

RMF said, 1715266539

I tried to join a local camera group flickr page, but never managed it despite invites etc. It seems totally screwed so I have given up on it

Mike Lyne said, 1715266630

I’m there and I’m not dead.  ;-)

MGraphics said, 1715266871

lol should hope not Mike this isn’t a seance 🤣🤣🤣

Steve M said, 1715276515

I still use it. It's where I post all my 100 Stranger portraits - I have a folder showing some of them on PP. There is also a link on my PP profile page to my Flickr page.

MGraphics said, 1715277052

Steve M awesome project mate. I can’t do street photography as I don’t have the ability to approach people like that.

Steve M said, 1715283056

MGraphics said

Steve M awesome project mate. I can’t do street photography as I don’t have the ability to approach people like that.

That's the biggest hurdle to get over, but it isn't as hard as you'd think. :)

MGraphics said, 1715283252

Steve M it’s the social anxiety that gets me. I try to talk to people then can’t get out what I want to say and they look at me like I’m smoking crack lol

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715283316

I got rid of my Flickr account. I used to absolutely _love_ Flickr; I learned so much about photography there. But Flickr really messed up the photostream and they neglected the groups, which were what Flickr was all about twenty years ago.

Ray Middleton said, 1715283574

It's all good but you have to tread carefully with some that you follow

MarcAyresPhoto said, 1715283815

I think I still have an account but not logged on for over a decade. Have no plans to restart anytime soon

Perception said, 1715285284

I’ve been a bit more active on Flickr but I’ve noticed many of my old contacts are still active too. But they’re making exactly the same images they made 10 years ago. Nothing wrong with that but i just felt I’ve moved on a bit. Think there’s some old zen tradition of breaking the containers used for collecting the harvest, as you carnt go back and re-live periods from the past. Probably a bit deep for a Thursday evening but it’s not doing it for me anymore.

MGraphics said, 1715285707

Perception sounds fair enough. I’ve noticed that some people stay with a formula that is enough for them. Some of us want to push ourselves further both are okay for each individual. I’m one that wants to push lol

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715287544

MGraphics said

Perception sounds fair enough. I’ve noticed that some people stay with a formula that is enough for them. Some of us want to push ourselves further both are okay for each individual. I’m one that wants to push lol

Flickr used to be good for really diverse reasons -- like, some of the best DIY lens information I've seen was there, some of the most detailed knowledge about film, some really great abstract photographers.

I think all internet culture suffered massively at the beginning of the Facebook era, but Flickr suffered worse because it was bought by Yahoo, whose entire acquisition strategy was as if it was run by Mr Toad from Wind In The Willows.

KeithJames said, 1715290323

I love Flickr! It’s great for storage, sharing albums Private/ public. I do spend a while blocking members that really shouldn’t be let loose in public! However, it’s a small price to pay.   (Currently, 90k Edited photos from 2009 onwards) 

There’s quite a trick to organising images on there like no other, but it works for me. 


Feel The Passion said, 1715337886

I keep getting email notifications from Flickr advising of activity on my account.

Seems I am very popular ATM. Personally I haven't logged into my account for around 3 years.

I lost interest when the owners attempted to overly monetirise the site.

I find YouPic much more user friendly but TBH I rarely post on there either these days.

Edited by Feel The Passion