What are you listening to?


hyperphoto said, 1716059236


Mikey and his Uke - Allstar Cover - The Cure - Just like Heaven

Unfocussed Mike said, 1717542047

hyperphoto said, 1717565368


Social Distortion - Bad Luck - Cover - Mikey and his Uke

Edited by hyperphoto

hyperphoto said, 1717655521


Tool - forty six & 2

HotFridgePhotos said, 1717698977

A Hercule Poirot murder mystery on the radio, on the excellent BBC Radio 4 Extra.

Mark21 said, 1718049853

Paranoid by Black Sabbath 1970 (2009 remaster)


Sleep Well, My Darling by John Barry from The Quiller Memorandum OST 1966.

Rather suits my varying mood at present!

The Cherry Orchard said, 1718300644

Mary In The Junkyard - Teeth