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Where are new images shown?


By GUYCARNEGIE, 1715950126

Trying to work out why my images are getting likes as soon as I upload them, but yet I can't see them in "recently added images". Where do newly uploaded images appear if not in https://purpleport.com/images/recent/ ?


ANDY00 said, 1715950472

People who follow you get notified of new images, you have 61 followers so every time you add an image they all get a notification and link to those images :-) If you don't want an image to be seen you can click on hide from portfolio option

Edited by ANDY00

GUYCARNEGIE said, 1715950425

ANDY00 said

People who follow you get notified of new images

Still I would have thought they would "appear" somewhere. Does the recent images link not actually show the newest images?

art65 said, 1715950500

You can only have one image in "Recent Images" every 14 minutes or so. 

You can set up the homepage to show your preferences. For example you might like to see eight lines of recent images but only two lines of Random Images.

Other factors which may prevent them showing up are your privacy settings.

ANDY00 said, 1715950569


ANDY00 said

People who follow you get notified of new images

Still I would have thought they would "appear" somewhere. Does the recent images link not actually show the newest images?

if you click show on recent then it will as long as you have 15 minutes between posts etc, but otherwise only those that follow you or directly look at your port will see i believe

GUYCARNEGIE said, 1715950735

I uploaded about a dozen in one shot but dont see any of them in the recent images at all. Maybe I need to delete them and spend the next few hours re-uploading them one at a time?

art65 said, 1715950755

It looks as though you uploaded a batch all at the same time. If you do that only one image will show up. 

As more images are added by other people it will push your down the list until it disappears. The same happens with FPIs.