Models not publishing photographers images on their portfolio


SimonSm said, 1716048616

It’s the same principle I apply in that I don’t allow tags on IG for any image as I have a need for consistency!

The interesting thing I did notice recently was that a model who did use some images from our shoot together on IG, took them down a day or so later as they were not getting enough ‘likes’ (her words). I guess that’s another defining factor !!

AshleyAshton said, 1716124050

Pippa. said

I’m very selective about who I work with these days and only like to work with photographers who I feel have a similar aesthetic in what they like to achieve from a photoshoot. I am predominantly a fashion model these days, and I won’t showcase any lingerie images on my Instagram nor even share them to my story and that’s not because I don’t like them, it’s just because of a route that I’ve taken to go down more of a fashion/commercial/lifestyle route.

Hey Pippa. 

Im sure you have good reasons for this . Love your work btw :-)

AshleyAshton said, 1716124788

ADWsPhotos said

Interesting OP. Sort of begs the question why my pal Ashley felt the need for it. And any response could be interpreted by some as being miffed or trying to be cool.

From a personal perspective if I do a shoot, especially a TF shoot and have no pictures posted, I wonder if I’ve dropped a clanger. But it doesn’t bother me. And if a model enthusiastically posts everything I share, that’s nice but it’s no biggie. Eventually it’s understandable that a model might remove some of my pics. I have to admit that unless my attention is drawn to it, I’d never notice.

I created the post because its an opinion that some photographers hold. 

As CalmNudes said, remove the expectation and you remove the doubt. 

It shouldnt be an expectation in the first place. 

If a photographer came to me and actually said, " i would like to work with you just because i want you to post my image" .. 

Im not sure how i could answer that.

Maybe i would explain that i am not a marketing company. 

The same goes for models as well... "can you share my intagram name on your story?" ...

If we work together and produce something you like, you have the freedom to post it. 

If we work together and produce something i like, i have the freedom to post it, with your permission.......

CalmNudes said, 1716130578

AshleyAshton said

ADWsPhotos said

Interesting OP. Sort of begs the question why my pal Ashley felt the need for it. And any response could be interpreted by some as being miffed or trying to be cool.

From a personal perspective if I do a shoot, especially a TF shoot and have no pictures posted, I wonder if I’ve dropped a clanger. But it doesn’t bother me. And if a model enthusiastically posts everything I share, that’s nice but it’s no biggie. Eventually it’s understandable that a model might remove some of my pics. I have to admit that unless my attention is drawn to it, I’d never notice.

I created the post because its an opinion that some photographers hold. 

As CalmNudes said, remove the expectation and you remove the doubt. 

It shouldnt be an expectation in the first place. 

If a photographer came to me and actually said, " i would like to work with you just because i want you to post my image" .. 

Im not sure how i could answer that.

Maybe i would explain that i am not a marketing company. 

The same goes for models as well... "can you share my intagram name on your story?" ...

If we work together and produce something you like, you have the freedom to post it. 

If we work together and produce something i like, i have the freedom to post it, with your permission.......

I don't know which model it was but I saw one post on IG "You're not hiring me to..."  and one of was things on the list , "act as your promo / marketing company". 

I think some models might create a problem for themselves, if they say "I have squillions of IG followers" and there's implication "working with me will get you exposure to my network" (I know you don't do that Ashley). But maybe some photographers are expecting bundled marketing work from you along with everything else :-).   Quite a few models could offer social media consultancy as a side hustle  - chargeably    

Paul Montgomery said, 1716131850

Wondrous said

Paul Montgomery it's the same but credited tags can be removed you'd be none the wiser.

Oh That keeps my score nice and low :)

Maybe that's the next step in my development. I've got and FPI, now to try and take a picture that the model wants to credit / tag me :)

AshleyAshton said, 1716132682


I have announced it on the photographic holidays I'm doing, as part of the deal.

The photographer has the option to share and for models to share.

I am happy to do this as a joint promotional effort.

AshleyAshton said, 1716133086

One thing i could do is create an album of shots for photographers.

Im not sure it will be as satisfying?

Allesandro B said, 1716135169

AshleyAshton said

One thing i could do is create an album of shots for photographers.

Im not sure it will be as satisfying?

I wouldn't bother. I'd just put a polite notice on your port saying that you have plenty of images on your portfolio and for that reason please don't be offended if you don't use any images you receive. Ultimately it's your portfolio. 

Now tagging that's a subject worthy of its own post.

Edited by Allesandro B