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An Invitation - Surrey Artists Open Studios - June 1st - 23rd 2024

Adrian Stanwell

By Adrian Stanwell, 1715721965

I'll be opening my studio as part of Surrey Artists Open Studios, on 3 weekends in June.  You are invited to come and see my work and explore the other very talented artists on the South Farnham Art Trail, or on any part of the event. Do pay attention to when each studio is open, as the event runs from 1st to 23rd June, but most places are not open every day.

See here for details:

Surrey Artists Open Studios

My Page

My own work includes glass "Tintype" prints, Platinum/Palladium, Cyanotype, POP and Archival Inkjet prints.

Do drop by and let me know if you are on PurplePort, it would be good to meet you.

If you are not interested in my work, there are many others who include painters, sculptors, glass artists, mixed media, textiles and a whole host of other things. There really is something for everyone.

You are most welcome.

Also, if you are unable to travel to me, my site for purchasing inkjet prints is live here:

Adrian Stanwell

Edited by Adrian Stanwell