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Help needed! Recovering disk space on a Macbook..


♥ Chiara Elisabetta

By ♥ Chiara Elisabetta, 1715689322

Helloooo! I'm wondering if I can get some techy advice..

I have an old Macbook Pro (2014) - it's been wonderful & really reliable and has a 500GB internal hard drive. I've mostly worked of external drives when using Lightroom & Photoshop for retouching - they're really the only applications I use alongside Safari, Pages, Notepad & email..

However, my drive is filling up.. I've moved the contents of my Downloads folder onto an external drive, deleted unwanted files from Pictures, emptied the trash, run a disk clean-up.. (I have no music or video either) but it seems to do very little in actively clearing space.

I feel like I'm going mad.. I swear I've removed 200GB of stuff, yet I haven't got anything like 200GB more space!
At present, I apparently only have 60GB available which is mad as it should be more than that.. but also, I try open wetransfer downloads and a pop-up comes up to say I haven't got enough space to download! Yet I'm being sent folders less than 2GB in size.

I just don't understand it.. it's very frustrating! It feels like for every 5GB or so I remove, it takes that plus a little more to actually remove it.. an endless game of snakes and no ladders!

Can anyone help me understand what is going on? (in very simple terms please bahaha!)

Shapes of Elle said, 1715690076

Hey there!

You might be able to find what's taking all the space by:

1. Apple Menu -> About This Mac

2. Click the Storage Tab then click Manage

Look down the left side of the screen that pops up. It'll show applications, bin, books, documents etc and show how much each of those take up on your disk. If you go into applications you can find if any applications are taking up a lot of space also. I found that Chrome went a bit wild on mine, taking up like 60GB. I've switched over to Edge now instead. Also, anything in your 'bin' still takes up diskspace until you empty the bin.

Hope this helps a bit!

xx Elle

HunterT said, 1715690896

On the pc there is a tool cleaner...see if there is a Mac equivalent. Also...not sure if macs does this.

But Google defragment drive, also a handy tool, as it analyses your hard drive, and in essence, restructures it...to make free space available.

travismcfly said, 1715691159

Have you tried switching it off and on again?

(I'm going to quickly run away after saying that, but on the off chance you've not done a full restart recently as you've been busy with trying other things to tidy it up it's worth a go)

OriginalSin said, 1715696048

I use an App called Cleaner One Pro to clean the clag from my MacBook and also DaisyDisk to monitor what files I have on the SSD. Seems to do the trick of keeping thins ticking over nicely. Mine's a 2015 model so a bit long in the tooth. 

ADWsPhotos said, 1715697696

When you delete stuff (and empty the bin) you don’t immediately get all the space back. I’m not by my Mac, and I’ve forgotten the term MacOs uses but you can see it identified when you look at the details sourced from ‘about this Mac’ I generally find a couple of reboots releases that space.

ADWsPhotos said, 1715697798

Another thought. If you have few apps on it, how about reinstalling it and load what you need from scratch?

ANDY00 said, 1715698118

MY imac had this issue years ago but i was always adding images which takes space plus every images retouched generates more files, plus photoshop grows exponentially with every update, i chose to install a bigger SSD for storage and a smaller one just for software and OS, made a massive difference to both speed and space.

Sandra Blu said, 1715703271

2014 MacBook is an old one, its hardware system is probably outdated. The first signs that your laptop is too old is that it starts to go very very slow and starts having all sorts of unexplainable issues with them (just like old people, really).

Unfocussed Mike said, 1715703970

OriginalSin said

I use an App called Cleaner One Pro to clean the clag from my MacBook and also DaisyDisk to monitor what files I have on the SSD. Seems to do the trick of keeping thins ticking over nicely. Mine's a 2015 model so a bit long in the tooth. 

Right. There are some "disk space analyser" apps out there like this -- DaisyDisk is an interesting one. Stick to very popular ones you can get from the App Store for safety, and you might find one of those helpful.

Don't just go deleting stuff it suggests willy-nilly but it might help you find stuff you can ask us about. Anything in your home directory is worth investigating.

Also worth noting that some apps are incredibly large because of their sample data. So if you have truly unused apps lying around -- that you installed yourself! -- getting rid of them can help. I use an app called AppCleaner for that. (Well actually, I rarely use it because I install my apps another way, but it is a good choice for general iusers).

Ted Smith Photography said, 1715704752

You could also try a factory reset which will sort your disk space issue but you’ll need to reinstall applications.


HFS+ (the older Apple File System prior to APFS) as has been said, holds on to certain aspects of deleted files but the key point is to ensure the “deleted items” folders are actually also emptied, which can also be achieved via the storage manager.

Edited by Ted Smith Photography

Lauraanne (Photographer) said, 1715705893

I had this with a Mac of mine of a similar age. It is due to the face that it needs its operating system updating and as it is an older Mac you may not be able to do that. I had to bite the bullet and get a new Mac. Sorry not really what you want to hear.........

BridgeSHOOTS said, 1715707470

silly question first
but do you use one LR Catalogue for your whole LR Archive?
do you have your LR catalogue on your Mac's internal drive?

i had this issue on my old PC and it was also an Adobe issue as after some updates it would auto-default my LR Cache and LR generic Catalogue to my OS drive ( at the time it was 256GB )

Alan Walker ( AWimagez ) said, 1715707491

Ring apple support, I have a 2015 iMac and they have been very helpful in the past and its no cost if its support. They can look at it online and advise.

Danny. said, 1715709236

Apple don't always give you the space back when you delete stuff. It flags the space as unused, but not available. Very annoying. Run a backup through Time Machine and they usually give you the space back.

I found that my disk space was all being used by render files in Final Cut Pro (you say no video so probably not that) and also backups of iPhones and iPads in iTunes. If you back these devices up manually in iTunes they'll use a load of space.

For finding out where space is used, DaisyDisk is your friend. Costs a tenner I think, but it's something I use all the time. Graphical user interface. Nice clickable pretty pie charts showing where the disk is being used. We all love pie.


Ray Middleton said, 1715720637

There is a very good video on you tube how to reduce your disk drive.  It is how to repair your scratch disk in photoshop.  I can't remember all of the options but for starters go into finder, select the Go option, pressooption key down and it reveals library, select application support, select adobe, select coomon and in there you should find a folder with cache files (1000's of them).  If you delete these files, it will give you space.  The files are like temp int files so no damage is done and you don't lose any images.  Find the you tube video first though, it is very helpful.