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Casa Miguel

By Casa Miguel, 1715624639

Evening all.

my youngest granddaughter is off to Uni in September, not sure if it is Eastbourne or Bournemouth, she will be studying stage and film makeup after two years at Canterbury College.

Have any MUA’s gone this way or are you all self taught.

in Spain having a break then one last modelling session before I retire.

Lianne86 said, 1717095978

Hiya, I did a short 16 week course to begin with at a local college , that encompassed basic health and hygiene, skin prep and removal, allergies, skin structure etc then makeup wise we did a few different looks like an everyday makeup, occasion, bridal, then some of the more fashion based ideas and onto special effects/body art.

i went to uni then and did specialist hair and media makeup - originally a 2 year course for a foundation award, but topped up to a bahons.

we did a variety of different modules, with more in depth tutorials and outcomes. Special effects for instance was broken into a few categories (I may get these a bit muddled as it was a few years ago now!) but we did sculpting, application, pathology as the main ones, which we had to work to scripts /briefs. Fashion based modules we did hair cutting as well as makeup, -my group missed a lot of the hair modules due to Covid, so things like period hair and makeup I have not a clue about !

we always had further information about hygiene, best practice, allergies, alternative products , removal , skin testing and all of those kind of things that are essential to know when working on others.

we also had a photographic module, where we learnt lighting, photoshop and actually took our own pictures of makeup we had done.

There were other modules I found less useful , these were mostly academic relating to if you wanted to invent something, nothing practical which would have been better.

I also topped up to include my masters in prosthetics for film and tv . That was a lot of sculpting, mould making and casting as well as finishing and application !

I think , having gone through the training , it’s worthwhile doing. In my opinion, a lot of the self taught muas haven’t got the basic skills, and definitely no idea on hygiene and allergies and such like. There’s a wealth of information online, but I think having it taught to you is far better because you can ask questions face to face , and majority of the lecturers have actively worked in the industry .

i hope that helps, even a little !

best wishes, lianne x