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Albums anyone might have. Usefully, perhaps



By MidgePhoto, 1653746584

I have several albums[1], and find them useful and congenial, I have the same feeling about other people's albums, usually. I am by nature a splitter, a classifier, a linker.

The first thing, is that many images would fit very well into more than one, or several albums. So put them in all those.  Does no harm.  It isn't a  file cabinet, more akin to clipping out the holes on the edge of a Cope-Chat card.

Second, is that I suggest that whatever other albums exist, having one called "All" in which every image is placed in addition to whatever specific albums it goes in is handy, or may be in your future. For the lumpers, its effect is almost the same as having all your images spilled out in a single heap across your page, which don't get me wrong, is an absolutely wonderful way to do it, if that's how you like.  But neater.

Third is that the naming of albums is a difficult thing. To have an album for one person you've shot with is an obvious thought, but just occasionally I see an album with a model's previous name, which they have presumably discarded for some reason, so this seems unhelpful; and sometimes I see an album which names the model, which contains images the model has not permitted to be tagged to them.  Again, this seems capable of being an action against the intent and interest of the model, which is potentially unkind.  Some of my albums are named for one or more model.  One is named "Other models" and is for anyone else. 

Fourth is that among the various reasons why your wonderful picture is not showing the tag of the model or the photographer, stylist, studio etc in it to anyone but you is that they really don't like it, see above, but also they might have left PP.  You may not know that, but if you did, you might find answering the question "Why didn't you tag the model/credit the photographer/etc" pre-emptively by putting the image in an album called "Models (or whatever) not on PP".   Or not.  It's fine.  Just an idea. 

Fifth is that if you are a wordy type, of whom I cannot think of an example, you might care to keep the words down on your profile page, where some users are troubled by them and want to get to (a few of*) the pictures as immediately as possible, by devoting the explanatory notes and commentary section of an album to words.  It really needs no, or no more than one, image in it, and I used a picture of the word "Words" as that image, and called the album "Words".  There is no reason why you should do the same, or anything similar, or even anything much much cleverer, unless you want to.  I put links in it to articles and even a thread or so.  Odd, I know.  Even a bit Web 1.1

Sixth is that you might use the notes, explanatory and commentary piece of an album to put notes, explanations and comments on what is in it, and in order to amuse people who don't want to read far before seeing an image, you could embed one, two, or a few images in that panel as has been done very effectively by some of the more graphically aware of us.  You can make it conveniently small, but larger than the icons, and link it to the image page.

Seven ... would be too many for now.

* see [1] below.

[1] This saves those users who, as is entirely their right and no doubt the best thing for them in this best of all possible worlds, time, as they can now ignore all my pictures in a single glance, or couple or three pages.  Probably they don't scroll, either, because who would.

Glamourportraits said, 1653747606

Hi Midge.

Great food for thought and topic for discussion. I wish we had a whole lot more hobby specific posts like this.

For my part, I like to break my groups into model photography categories - e.g. headshot, portrait, lingerie, topless and nude. 

One reason I find this way useful centres around privacy. So by using album privacy I am able to hide my lingerie, topless and Nude images and only share them when requested, or at times I am casting or messaging models about doing those shoots. 

Categorisation differences aside, I have learnt several ‘functional’ tips I wasn’t aware of which is always a bonus.

Thanks for this useful and considered post 👍

MidgePhoto said, 1653827966

This is linked from here https://purpleport.com/portfolio-image-album.asp?id=144076 thus giving it persistence.

Many postings are ephemeral and intended to be so.

Most social media is ephemeral, which means when it is used for serious purposes it works less well, even though Google is pretty good at showing the public postings.

Somersetman said, 1654195399

MidgePhoto said

sometimes I see an album which names the model, which contains images the model has not permitted to be tagged to them.  Again, this seems capable of being an action against the intent and interest of the model, which is potentially unkind. 

I have albums named after models I frequently shoot, and the above thought has crossed my mind. 

I find that having such an album is the only way of answering the question "What pictures of X have I already uploaded?" because of the way tags work.   I like the fact that I (and only I) can see the model tags that I've added, even if said model has not accepted or has removed the tag... but this only works when viewing individual images.  If I go to "Images between us" to answer my question, I only see images that the model has accepted/left the tag on, which may well be a subset of those that I've actually uploaded. 

SteveDeansPhotography said, 1654196108

I've got rumours. It's useful when you want the hear the old F1 theme

Somersetman said, 1654196280

SteveDeansPhotography said

I've got rumours. It's useful when you want the hear the old F1 theme

:-) :-)

MidgePhoto said, 1654196358

SteveDeansPhotography said

I've got rumours. It's useful when you want the hear the old F1 theme

I used to have that or some of it in the car.  It might have been a bad influence.

SteveDeansPhotography said, 1654196534

MidgePhoto you make a good 3 points

MidgePhoto said, 1654196555

MidgePhoto said

Somersetman said

Fair point, and a use-case.

An alteration to the way the site reports images between would remove the need, but would be fiddly.

If this has been at all amusing, there are a few thoughts on Collections https://purpleport.com/group/general-chat/184204/Collections-anyone-might-have--Usefully--perhaps-/ There's some commonality.

An album might be linked to a Collection and vice versa.

Mark Gerrard Photography said, 1654229921

Thanks for frying my brain at 5am I need to go back to bed now!

I'm a very disorganised person and the thought of all those albums or categories is way too much for me. I did create a couple of albums named for models I've shot with regularly but they stay empty because I'm a procrastinator

MidgePhoto said, 1654230269

Mark Gerrard Photography said

Thanks for frying my brain at 5am I need to go back to bed now!

I'm a very disorganised person and the thought of all those albums or categories is way too much for me. I did create a couple of albums named for models I've shot with regularly but they stay empty because I'm a procrastinator

I've been meaning to procrastinate. Never seem to get around to it. Sweet dreams.

MidgePhoto said, 1655160526

This is a good example of albums being used and prettied up


MidgePhoto said, 1667121948

Seventh, or perhaps fifth-and-a-halfth, Photofrenetic has published several books including Photographing the Nude, and accordingly maintains an album called "books" with pictures of the covers and associated mutterings.

It hasn't been used as a reader feedback route AFAICS, but could be, with comments removed as they are processed.


A good idea, and thats a good book, IMHO.

My only book isn't photographical, so not suitable for here, although if I were writing it now I suppose I'd add a chapter about photography, mobile phones having become network terminals and Swiss digital tools now.

art65 said, 1667123704

I am very much an album user otherwise my page would be enormous and ewildering. Trouble is that older albums are largely unseen except by a dedicated few. Perhaps there should be a game to highlight forgotten albums ?

JPea said, 1667125145

Don't do it, can't do it, won't do it.

I thought an intellectual response may help the discussion.

Evie Kedavra said, 1667126752

This is pretty much how I run my albums but I find it easier to split them according to levels. Just makes it a more concise snapshot if someone has a specific project in mind and so they can easily locate the best fitting album to peruse.