Additional Information

  • Part time Photographer
  • More than 19 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Adult, Alternative, Beauty, Erotic, Fashion, Fetish, Fitness, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Portrait, Sheer, Swimwear and Topless



Please note that I am double vaccinated and have now received three booster jabs too. 

I have taken the plunge and relocated to East Dereham, Norfolk!!

I have being doing portrait photography seriously for 20 years but have been creating portrait images since I first owned a camera... which has been a while! Whilst  this is a hobby I take it very seriously and I have a very professional attitude to every shoot that I undertake. I always view each shoot as a shared experience, whether or not it is a TF shoot or one of us is paying the other for the experience. I have my own lights which means that I can shoot at your home, but equally I am experienced in using studios, and the best canvas of all is the great outdoors!

So what am I looking for in a model? Well, good communication before a shoot is a must, and helps to avoid surprises on the day. I do not do make-up or hair so I need you to do that bit, leaving me to concentrate on the camera stuff and worry about everything else. The most important thing is that you are honest and committed to what you are doing and looking to achieve as a model. That is the attitude that I have to photography so join me and we can create great images!

What do I offer as a photographer? Experience, honesty and maturity, but a bit more I hope. I have never been late for a shoot, and never felt the need to leave early. I am more than happy for a chaperone to be present if you feel the need, but be prepared to be photographed together too because I hate to miss an opportunity!

Most importantly I never touch a model. If your hair is out of place, I will tell you. If a clothes label is on show then I will ask you to hide it. If there is a particular pose that I want I will describe it or even demonstrate, but I will not invade your space to try and position arms or legs.

Finally, I enjoy photography and I want the model to enjoy it too. And if we create some amazing images in the process then everyone is a winner!

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CallmeKev has 99 references; 99 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.


CallmeKev has 234 followers and is following 96 people.