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Wise Old Dragon

By Wise Old Dragon, 1716056517

Last Tuesday (14th May) I was officialy diagnosed with ADHD.

Unfotuntaley there is a serious shortage of meds and I can't get any for two to three months.

ε OI ε said, 1716079914

How does it manifest?

meds available overseas via internet?

JamesMt142 said, 1717105080

Ritalin? I was on that in the 90s. How come there's such a shortage?

Unfocussed Mike said, 1717123572

JamesMt142 said

Ritalin? I was on that in the 90s. How come there's such a shortage?

ADHD diagnosis is an awful lot more common than the 90s, is probably the core reason. So a lot more people need what is ultimately a therapeutic dose of a controlled substance. Also doctors preferring to prescribe Ritalin over Adderall.

(It's almost certainly not overdiagnosis or overprescription, but better diagnosis, and the social media era is a world where distractions are so so so so much more difficult to manage that more people with ADHD feel the need for medicinal help. Like, literally everyone reports being more easily distracted since 2008; for people who have ADHD but had never really got into major difficulty, this world is much worse.)

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

JamesMt142 said, 1717141657

Unfocussed Mike yes, would fully agree with the above.

I never talked to anyone about it at the time when my parents had me diagnosed and when I was a teen, everyone at school just thought I was seriously unhinged. My teachers were in on it but that was it.

I'd be far more open about it today as I probably wouldn't get bullied about it.

I know of at least one model on here who is diagnosed with it (I believe she's quite open about it) - she's actually prescribed weed for it, which I was amazed by but she showed me the labels etc - all above board.

Edited by JamesMt142