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Using images to draw


Hi all,

I’m just wondering where I would stand if I wanted to use images by photographers for drawing.

I’m no established or well known artist by any means, just someone who like to draw and post my drawings on instagram and facebook (roughly 200 followers on both platforms so not considered an “influencer”) I do do commissions but they are mainly pets or grandkids or grandparents.

I have created a folder that I have added images to that I find would be good to draw, some by photographers and some by models. Sometimes the images don’t name the model, sometimes they don’t name the photographer. If a model has an image that doesn’t name the photographer, does the model own that image or does the photographer always own the image?

I know there are rules about copyright laws and such about using images so I’m just wondering if any photographers or models would mind if I used any of their images to draw?

Thanks for reading 🙂

Orson Carter said, 1715789957

Personally, if someone has the courtesy to ask me I'll almost always say 'yes'. I get the impression that many other photographers think similarly. 

Photowallah said, 1715790152

Likewise, I've been asked more than once and never hesitated to say 'yes'.

I value the courtesy though, and I'm not sure how I'd feel about someone posting copies of my images without asking permission - especially if they were offered for sale.

Mick Wells said, 1715790318

I wouldn't assume anything about the copyright or other rights associated with an individual image. I suggest you always ask and you are probably on safer ground when you are asking the photographer. And you may like to read this: https://petapixel.com/2024/05/13/court-rules-in-favor-of-photographer-who-accused-painter-of-ripping-off-her-work/ 

B17fan said, 1715790448

I'm happy for anyone to use my images for inspiration. It's always nice to be asked.

Northumberland scribbler said, 1715791023

Thanks everyone, I forgot to mention that I would ask permission first and give credit to the photographer for the use of their image.

EdenGarden said, 1715793414

As long as it is not for profit, and I am asked, it is ok with me. BUT even though I as photographer would hold the copyright, I would also consult with the model to check it is ok with her/him. (Not all of the images on my port are models from on here). They have given permission for me to use them here, but not necessarily by other individuals.

CalmNudes said, 1715797589

Most will look kindly on a request. Copyright wise if you recrate a photo as a drawing it's a derivative work and needs permission.  If you use it inspiration to paint something different, you don't,  but where the cut off is, would be anyone's guess, so ask and work with pictures where the creator is happy for you to do so.

EdenGarden said

 even though I as photographer would hold the copyright, I would also consult with the model to check it is ok with her/him. 

Legally unnecessary, but good manners and good sense :-) 

Sensual Art said, 1715799562

Northumberland scribbler said

I have created a folder that I have added images to that I find would be good to draw

In PurplePort terms, https://purpleport.com/images/collection/?id=174829 is a "collection" :)

That's a great way to assemble images that you might want to use to base your drawings on.  I know another artist on here who does similar, and has approached me a couple of times.  One of them ended up with a drawing by him, another one (to my knowledge) never did.  In both cases he asked permission, and in both cases I did of course check with the model as a courtesy.

If you wanted to be even clearer, you could add a description to your collection saying what your intentions might be, and assuring people that you'd be in touch to ask permission before doing such a work.  It's actually quite flattering to think that one's work can inspire others in this way.

Incidentally, looking at just the first couple of pages of that collection, might you find more inspiration by searching for keywords or for groups on particular themes?  There are several bodyscapes, for example, and both https://purpleport.com/images/search#tag=bodyscape and https://purpleport.com/group/bodyscapes-nsfw/ could be fruitful places to look :)

WJM Photography & Videography said, 1715800349

Wouldn’t have an issue with it if approached.

Buddygb said, 1715802292

There are some very good life models on here if you want to extend your skills further.


♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1715802956

As a model, I am asked fairly frequently by fellow artists (I'm an artist, specifically a painter myself so have a little network of artists on social media) if they can draw / paint images of me. Every time I tell them I cannot give this permission as although I have permission to share their work of me on social media, the copyright is not mine. I always point them in the direction of the photographer - who incidentally is always credited alongside any image.

I'm actually surprised artists approach models at all unless it's to book a shoot to produce their own photos from which to draw.. do they not realise the copyright of images already shared is unlikely to belong to the model?

Most artists I know sell most or all their work, which is understandable, but very cheeky if not shooting their own reference photos unless commercial compensation is not discussed prior..! 

Gothic Image said, 1715844823

Orson Carter said

Personally, if someone has the courtesy to ask me I'll almost always say 'yes'. I get the impression that many other photographers think similarly. 

Me too!

DJ200 said, 1715847798

Just ask..I wouldn't have a problem with letting anyone draw my simple offerings..

jump the wall photography said, 1715849027

Always a YES from me :-)

franky.fine.art said, 1715854391

Same here. I always consider it a compliment if an artist wants to use one of my photos as reference.

Just reach out and ask 🙌